Mohawk turn

The Mohawk turn is a fundamental skill most hockey or figure skaters learn early on in their journey. It's like a magic key that unlocks smooth transitions from forwards to backwards skating without sacrificing speed. But the benefits of the Mohawk turn go far beyond maintaining momentum.

Imagine skating forwards, then with a little twist, you're zooming backwards – all while staying nice and balanced!

The Mohawk turn is like a bridge between going forwards and backwards, so it helps you practice keeping your balance on one foot while you switch from skating forwards to skating backwards (and vice versa!). The more you practice Mohawk turns, the smoother you'll become on the road! Keep rolling :)

▶️ Mohawk turn(switch) _keys

: Set the pivot leg(keep on the axis) and action leg(crossing leg)

: 45 degree first, then gradually try 90`, 130` and then 180`finally.

: Look into any difference? ; figure skating vs hockey/recreational skating

▶️ Enhancing the Benefits:

  • The Mohawk turn not only helps with maintaining momentum during direction changes, but it also improves,

    • Balance: maintaining an edge during the Mohawk turn strengthens ankle and core muscles, leading to better balance.

    • Body weight transfer: Mohawk turns help skaters learn to shift their weight from one foot to another effectively, which is crucial for jumps and spins.

    • Edge control: mastering Mohawk turns improves a skater's ability to control their edges, leading to cleaner footwork and sharper turns.

▶️ Refer to the video clips below

Watch the video_Mohawk turn 👈🏼 📽️

Mohawk turn_zigzag drills 👈🏼 📽️

Mohawk turn _ 90` 👈🏼 📽️

Mohawk turn_180` 👈🏼 📽️